Current News
11/26/04, 12:00 PM: Brou-Dip Festival
The Cambodian Club at LCC is hosting a festival in LCC Conference Room AD-104. Go to a pot-luck party,
enjoy a cambodian movie, and learn how to make a brou-dip (Floating Lantern)!
11/30/04, 6:00 PM: "The Art of Prach"free!
Long Beach rap artist Prach Ly will be performing at UH Manoa's Architecture Auditorium.
Prach is a Cambodian-American hip-hop artist who raps in both Khmer and English and mixes
contemporary hip-hop beats with traditional Cambodian forms of music.more info
5/18-21/05:United Nations University Global Seminar
The School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies (SHAPS) is now accepting
applications to attend the United Nations University Global Seminar entitled "Consuming Cultures:
Change, Tradition and Choice in Asia and the Pacific,"more info |